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Economic Growth

Last updated Sep 12, 2023 Edit Source

# Economic Growth

Definition - Economic Growth An increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services over time

# Potential Growth
# Actual Growth

The target of Australia’s GDP is 3-4%.

# PPFs

# Actual Growth PPF

# Potential Growth PPF

# Measuring Economic Growth

Definition - GDP The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a certain time period

# Calculation

$$\frac{GDP_{yr2}\space - GDP_{yr1}}{GDP_{yr1}}*100$$ NB: Years can be replaced with quarters

# Refining GDP

Nominal GDP:

Real GDP per capita:

# Limitations of GDP

# Determinants of Economic Growth

Growth can come from:

# Potential Growth

# Population Growth

# Labour Force Participation

# Rising Labour Productivity

# Capital deepening
# Multi-Factor Productivity

# Actual Growth

# Cost/Benefits

# Benefits of Economic Growth

Increased material standard of living

Increased Level of REAL INCOME

Reduced Unemployment

Improved Efficiency

Fiscal Dividend

# Costs of Economic Growth

Structural Unemployment

Inflationary Pressure

Environmental Degradation

Social Dislocation

Income Inequality