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Intro to Macroeconomics

Last updated Sep 12, 2023 Edit Source

# Intro to Macroeconomics

# Circular Flow of Income

Definition A Macroeconomic model that describes the flows of resources, goods and service, income and expenditure between different parts of the economy.

# Includes

# Diagram of the CFI

# Households and Firms

# Assumptions

# Injections and Leakages

# Injections

Definition Inflow of money into the circular flow of income

# Leakages

Definition Outflow of money from the circular flow of income

# Equilibrium

# Changes to Equilibrium

# S>I

# Aggregate Expenditure

# Measuring Economic Performance


# Aggregate Expenditure

Definition Total amount that firms, households and government plan to spend on final goods and services at each level of income

# Consumption

# Components

Households expenditure goods and services:

# Factors Affecting Consumption

# Private Investment

Definition Expenditure on producer or capital goods that are used to produce final goods and services in the future

# Investment by private firms
# Factors Affecting Investment Expenditure

# Government Expenditure

# Factors Affecting Government Expenditure

# Net Exports

# Factors Affecting Net Exports