Notes v3


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AEECO - Market Efficiency

Last updated Sep 12, 2023 Edit Source

# Surplus

# Consumer Surplus

Difference between what a consumer is prepared to pay and what they actually pay in the market.

# Marginal cost

The extra opportunity cost of

# Producer Surplus

Difference between what a producer is willing to receive and what they actually receive in a market.

# Marginal cost

The extra opportunity cost of producing one more unit of a good or service

# Total Surplus

Total surplus = CS + PS

It is a measure of the net benefits to society from the production consumption of the good.

# Deadweight Loss

Loss in total surplus that is avoidable.

# Efficiency

# Price Ceiling

Is the highest price that a producer can charge on a good.

# Impacts

# Price Floor

Is the minimum price that a producer can charge on a good

# Impacts

# Explanation

  1. Original price and quantity
  2. Implement price floor/ceiling (say above or below equilibrium)
  3. New price and quantity
  4. Quantity demanded/supplied comparison - Shortage/Surplus
  5. Consumer, producer surplus + dead weight loss (use letters, A, B, C, etc)
  6. Loss in efficiency

# Price Ceiling Explanation

The original

# Taxes

# Types of Tax

# Direct Tax

# Indirect Tax

# Specific Tax

# Why?

# Impacts

# Explanation

  1. Original P/Qty
  2. Implement gov policy
  3. New Price/Quantity
  4. Tax revenue
  5. CS, PS, TS, DWL
  6. Conclusion on efficiency

# Subsidies

A payment by the government to a firm to reduce production costs and increase output.

# Impacts

# Notes from Videos

# Subsidy

A subsidy is a payment from the government to producers for each unit produced

# Effects of the subsidy

# On Consumer Surplus:

# On Producer Surplus:

On Tax Payers:

# Tax

Lots of math that we don’t need to do