# Resources
# Websites
# Logic Masters Germany
Link: More info can be found here.
Logic Masters Germany is a website for puzzle enthusiasts who enjoy solving and creating logic puzzles.
# YouTube
NB: To be expanded and detailed
- Cracking the Cryptic
- Zetamath does puzzles
- BremSter
- More to be added soon
# Discord
I would recommend joining at least the CtC discord server but also Puzzle Plaza as they are a great source of easy puzzles and help.
# Cracking the Cryptic Discord
Link: This discord server is the from the Cracking the Cryptic YouTube channel. It has a lot of resources and many experienced solvers and setters. Feel free to ask questions as this is the perfect place for them. Also, every day a GAS and GAPP are released in the relevant channels. GAS (Genuinely Approachable Sudokus) are sudokus designed for beginners and those looking to speed run. They often feature different variants so it is a good place to try easy puzzles with the constraints. GAPP (Genuinely Approachable Pencil Puzzles) are the same as GAS, but for pencil puzzles like hitori and star battle.
# Puzzle Plaza
Link: This discord server is like the CtC discord server, and is usually the main server for smaller variant sudoku channels like Zetamath does puzzles, GeoJesser and BremSter.